

There is NO Statute of Limitations for Murder.

Section 6 of the Colorado State Constitution states the equality of Justice, Courts of Justice shall be open to every person, and a speedy remedy afforded for every injury to person, property or character, and right and justice should be administered without sale, denial or delay.

Changes Made

  • HB04-1189 – Truth in Sentencing – Colorado passed this law requiring violent offender’s serve 75% of their sentence before being eligible for Parole, and eliminating good time credit for second time violent offenders.
  • Cold Case Investigation

Changes NEEDED

  • Manslaughter NEEDS to be recognized as a Violent Crime.
    Currently under Colorado Statutes, Manslaughter is not considered as such because “knowingly” vs. “recklessly”.
  • Increase funding for Cold Case Investigation & Prosecution.
  • Murder / Manslaughter registry for violent offenders.